If you have an oil leak from your front crank hub, or need to replace the front crank seal for some other reason, it's pretty easy, depending on how far in to the car you are. You'll need the damper and crank hub off, see my Fluidampr install for those instructions. So, once the hub is off, you just need a new seal (p/n 10128316, $10.50 from your local Chevy dealer), a long screwdriver, and get a 2 1/2" PVC coupler from your hardware store.

The Install

Pry out the old seal with a screwdriver, being careful not to scratch everything up in there. Then clean out any remaining oil or pieces of the seal.

Put a touch of motor oil around the outside of the new seal, and position it in place. Grab the PVC coupler, which will fit right around the crank onto the seal. With a rubber hammer, gently tap the seal into position.

You're done. Oh yeah, you still need to re-install that hub...

Copyright © 1997-2004 David Mills, no part of this site (http://www.go-fast.org/) may be reproduced without permission of the author. The author makes no claims or guarantees as to the quality of the information on this site. I'm an enthusiast just like you, and while everything here is correct as I know it, I'm not responsible if your car breaks.